- 2oz gin (I used Beefeater)
- .75oz lime juice
- .25oz ginger liqueur or syrup (I used Barrow’s Intense)
- .5oz agave simple syrup (1:1 agave syrup and water, pre-dissolved)
- Indian spice tinctures (I used cumin, cardamom, black pepper, and some saline – tinctures are easy to make at home)
Shake everything with ice and strain.
A basic gimlet is nothing more than gin, lime, and sugar, which is really just a perfect starting base for a world of possibilities! I am a HUGE fan of Indian food and Indian-inspired cocktails.
The cucumber basil gimlet was my first “craft cocktail” love and really opened up the world of unique cocktails for me. It’s nothing more than a basic gimlet with some basil and cucumber, and since basil is one of my FAVORITE flavors ever, it instantly struck a chord with me when I tried it. The template is super versatile for any other flavors you may enjoy!
So, start out with your basic gimlet recipe of 2oz gin, .75oz lime, and .75oz sweetener (or adjust ratios to taste), and add your favorite flavors to it using fresh herbs/fruits/spices! If your ingredient is sweeter, cut down on the sweetener accordingly. If your ingredient is tart, cut down on the citrus. Boom, the world is your oyster. Or gimlet. 😉