by Matt Pietrek (CocktailWonk)
- 2oz white rhum agricole (I used La Favorite)
- .5oz apricot liqueur (Rothman & Winter)
- .5oz orgeat (Small Hand Foods)
- .5oz lemon juice
- • 5-6 dashes of Angostura bitters
Combine all ingredients with lots of crushed ice in a tall glass. Aggressively stir together with crushed ice for 30 seconds. Top off with more crushed ice and float a layer of Angostura bitters over top.
For the lover of grassy funky agricole rhum, this is an easy treat that puts your agricole center stage. Agricole is a style of rum distilled from fresh sugarcane juice as opposed to molasses and takes on a very different bright and vegetal flavor profile. This cocktail is in-your-face with its raw grassy flavors, spirit forward, and yet fabulously refreshing. For those less acquainted with agricole rhum, I’d suggest you first familiarize yourself with the spirit thru a Ti Punch. After that, give this one a shot!