Ti’ Punch (Barbancourt)


  1. Pour 2oz rhum agricole of choice in a glass (Clement, Neisson, Rhum JM are popular brands… Barbancourt *technically* isn’t considered an agricole, but still works beautifully here)
  2. Add some sugarcane or raw sugar syrup to taste (start with no more than a tsp or so)
  3. Cut a lime disc (focusing on the peel rather than the flesh/juice), and gently squeeze and drop in (the oils from the peel will work their magic!)
  4. Stir altogether and enjoy (optionally add ice)


Sooo after having some people over and *completely* depleting our ice supply, I was craving a cocktail. After unsatisfying-ly sipping some wine, I finally just poured some aged Barbancourt r(h)um to sip on, and thought hey, this is a perfect opportunity to make a Ti’ Punch (a drink traditionally served without ice). It was SO delicious and I think this may now be one of my go-tos! Ti Punch is short for petite (small) punch and is vastly popular in the French Caribbean, particularly as the national drink of the island of Martinique. It’s a casual drink that is often served deconstructed, allowing the drinker to design their own proportions to taste. There’s no official recipe and only involves 3 key ingredients – rhum agricole (which is a French-style rum made from fresh sugarcane juice as opposed to molasses. You really can’t substitute a molasses-based rum here), lime, and sugarcane syrup.

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