Barrow’s Intense Ginger liqueur. It seems so many cocktail enthusiasts are REALLY into ginger for some reason, and after all the great things I heard about this one, I couldn’t be more excited to get a taste! Ginger is one of those transformative ingredients that adds a special secret touch to flavors, and this liqueur is perfect for that.
Barrow’s Intense is made with a whole lotta fresh ginger with no additives or chemical flavorings, and the fresh natural ingredients definitely let themselves be known. This does not taste like ginger candy or any artificially flavored ginger drinks, this tastes like straight up ginger juice (from a freshly pressed/grated ginger) that’s been pleasantly sweetened. It’s so fresh tasting it still maintains that spicy kick that so easily is lost in anything ginger “flavored.” Fantastic bottle, and I am so glad to have this in my collection of ever-growing liqueurs. Hey, it’s all for research purposes!
Admittedly, I am personally not a huge ginger fan in that hearing of a fantastic ginger flavored creation does not faze me (ever since my mom tried serving me a super concentrated spicy ginger brew/”soup” to cure a cold when I was little). Nevertheless, ginger is without a doubt a staple ingredient in my kitchen (growing up with an Asian kitchen kinda teaches you that – ginger, garlic, and green onions are necessities). On its own, I’ll pass, but mixed with the right ingredients, it has the ability to elevate a dish to the next level. So, applications of flavors in cooking definitely lends to creativity in cocktail creations, and this liqueur will definitely fill that role brilliantly.
For recipes with ginger liqueur, click here!