- 1.5oz peach infused gin (see note below)
- .5oz lemon juice
- .75oz Amontillado sherry
- .5oz Raft smoked tea vanilla syrup
- 1 dash Mister Bitters honeyed apricot smoked hickory bitters (if subbing, try a dash of something like peach bitters with a tiny drop of liquid smoke)
- (optional) Pinch of smoked salt
Shake all ingredients with ice, and strain over fresh ice cubes.
To make the peach gin, I basically just cut up a peach and tossed in some gin with it in a mason jar for a few days, then strained.
OMG. This drink may not look like much but damn is it tasty, sitting at the intersection of sweet and smoky.
A drupe is also known as a “stone fruit,” or basically the group of fruits that have a pit in the center…peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, etc.
If you’ve ever had a grilled peach, then you understand the magic, right? To add some smoke here, I used Raft smoked tea vanilla syrup, which is an absolutely DELICIOUS concoction made from Lapsang Souchong tea leaves (a traditional smoked tea). Highly recommend this syrup. SO good.
To further enhance the smoked tea combo, we have some salinity and nuttiness from the Amontillado sherry. Together with the smoke from the syrup, and fruitiness from the gin and lemon…this is satisfying on all levels.