This is part [1/9] of the Rum Home Bar series, focused on helping you stock a thorough and versatile collection of rums for your home bar to maximize your home mixology and tiki adventures! These parts are presented in descending order of importance (in my opinion), so make sure you have 1 before 2, 2 before 3, and onwards!
1| Gold Blending Rum
My definition of a gold blending rum refers to a rum that has seen time in a barrel, and while all are delicious sippers, I’m specifically recommending these as ones optimized for mixing due to their affordability and ability to work well with other cocktail ingredients. As for the gold distinction? As described in Rum and Color, all barrel-aged rums will be naturally golden. A longer aged rum will never turn black and will merely (may)be a deeper gold than a shorter aged rum. Any black or dark brown rum has added coloring or spices.
Bottles to Consider
- Plantation 5 Year or Original Dark
- El Dorado 5 or 8
- Doorly’s 5, 8, XO, or 12
- R.L. Seale 10
- Mount Gay Eclipse or Black Barrel
- Bacardi 8 or 10
- Don Q AƱejo
- Real McCoy 5
Next rum style to stock: 2| White Blending Rum