Hendrick’s Orbium gin. This new US release in the Hendrick’s lineup is something fantastic. Now, I do like the original Hendricks alright but it never struck me as amazing or that unique. THIS, however, has certainly captured my heart.
Orbium is a “quininated” gin, referring to its botanical addition of quinine extract. Quinine comes from the bark of cinchona trees and is the ingredient in tonic water that provides earthy bitterness. It was originally prized as anti-malaria medication, and was combined with gin to help make its bitterness bearable (the gin was meant to supplement the tonic, not the other way around). Thus was born the tonic & gin.
In addition to quinine, Orbium also has wormwood extract. Wormwood is a key bittering ingredient traditionally used in vermouth, as well as other complex herbal spirits such as amaro, bitters, and of course, absinthe. Seeing as gin plays so well with tonic, vermouths, and an array of liqueurs that contain quinine and wormwood, these additions make Orbium the perfect candidate to light up herbal, earthy notes in classic creations. This is also seriously my new fav martini gin.
Finally, the thing that really stands out to me in this gin is the beautiful floral sweetness that dominates the scent, attributed to the addition of blue lotus blossom. This flower has a long history renowned for its euphoric and calming properties (once prized by the ancient Egyptians) and is sometimes used in perfumes and aromatherapy. It really achieves the perfect fragrant counterbalance against what otherwise sounds like an unpleasant bitter gin.I’m a big fan of this bottle.