Kissing a Stranger Brandy from Belgrove Distillery. HOLY CRAP, guys. I’m sure some may have had those crazy wild nights guided by the name of this bottle, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt as disturbed as I did when I found out what was in this bottle. This is the most insane distilled beverage I’ve ever had. I tried this courtesy of @cocktailco.au, who brought it over from Australia. She made us try it first before telling us what it was. Flavor-wise, it’s a lovely 48% grape brandy. Rich in flavor, nice and fruity. …but those crazy Aussies, that’s all I can say.
This aged brandy is made from WINE SPIT. Yes, that’s wine that has been spat out by strangers while wine tasting. Distiller Peter Bignell was at a wine festival, saw the wine spittoon content as wasteful, collected 500L of saliva-laden wine that was mixed with “bits of bickies [biscuits] and cheese and the odd bit of beer in there,” and distilled it. Then aged it. Talk about resourceful.
Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be going thru this bottle very quickly, so come on over, I’ll save a dram for ya. Would you drink this?