Ming River Baijiu. Well, it’s World Baijiu Day! Baijiu has been an integral part of Chinese culture for generations. It’s the top selling spirit by volume in the world, but its primary consumption and sales solely target the Chinese market and as such, is one of the most challenging spirits to ‘decipher’ given its *extremely* varied flavor styles combined with its lack of export-focused labeling.
Luckily, Ming River Baijiu is here to share this unique spirit with the western audience. I have a couple previous posts covering an overview of baijiu, but this product is the only one I know of that both targets the international market AND provides the traditional “strong aroma” flavor style. Respectfully, Ming River is actually produced in the Sichuan province of China where the “strong aroma” style originates.
Compared to some of the ones popularly imbibed in China, I find it milder and more approachable (as it clocks in at a modest 45% abv compared to the heavy-hitter 52%+ baijiu). The funky flavor is not *as* in-your-face, making it a friendlier introduction that will still leave you aghast in flavor shock without burning all your gustatory senses.
Though baijiu COCKTAILS are a recent trend as the spirit infiltrates western culture, the traditional way to drink baijiu in China is neat, at room temperature, surrounded by friends and family while feasting at a banquet table. You don’t drink your thimble-sized cordial glass (unfortunately I don’t have one) until toasted or raising a toast to the wonderful people around you. “Gan bei!,” you shout – translated as “dry glass”, shoot your baijiu, and sit back and smile as you refill. Gan bei, and happy baijiu day, my friends.