Neisson L’Esprit Rhum Agricole

Neisson L’Esprit Rhum Agricole. This is one of THE best agricole rhums on the market. No question. Martinique is the only country that has a special protected designation of origin in the rum world, and building on that, Rhum Neisson is not only a premier producer of Martinique AOC rhum, but also bottles this particular L’Esprit expression as their “creme de la creme.”

The liquid in this bottle is made only of the BEST batch of rum produced during the 6-month rum production season on the island (“best” = when all conditions and variables are perfect and the end product best represents the optimal flavors of the Martinique sugarcane).

Bottled at almost the same % it comes off the distillation still, this 70% abv (140 proof!) rhum is very surprising smooth and sippable. And makes for an even more fantastic Ti Punch.  If you see this around and want a sip of the best, you know what to do. 😉

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