Old Potrero 18th Century Style Spirit. Whiskey is a spirit that has doubtlessly been a significant symbol in American history, and if you were ever interested in the libations consumed by the American forefathers, pick up a bottle of this offering by Hotaling and Co!
This spirit was created as an attempt to recreate the style of “whiskey” from the olden days, utilizing malted rye (the grain of choice in old American days!) and aged in toasted barrels, two unique choices that you generally don’t find today. Today, the aging of most whiskies happen in charred (blackened) barrels, but back in the day, the practice of charring barrels was not employed. Barrels were created by heating up the wood to be pliable enough to be bent into shape just before being filled, resulting in merely a toasted, not charred, interior. Though made from rye, this is probably unlike any other rye whiskey you’ve tasted, not for everyone, but definitely interesting to experience a taste of history!