Plantation 3 Stars rum, one of my favorite “white” rums. Plantation has yet to fail me with any of their offerings (all fantastic!), and this one is no exception. If you’re looking for a solid “white” rum for your collection, I would highly recommend picking this up…it’s both affordable and delicious, what could be better?
“White rum” is not really a well-defined category, as the flavors of similar-looking “white rums” can actually be extremely different due to variation in production processes, starting ingredients, and post-aging color removal thru charcoal filtration. That said, this rum can be summarized as a blended lightly aged rum that was created with cocktails in mind, and is a perfect fit generally for any recipes calling for a “light rum.”
Plantation rum is produced by Pierre Ferrand, the French company responsible for bringing us fine cognac (and also their lovely dry curaçao orange liqueur, which I also love). The rums are distilled and first aged in the Caribbeans before being shipped to France for secondary aging, blending and bottling.
The “3 Stars” in its name refers to the blend of rums that make up this bottle that hail from 3 superstar rum-producing countries – Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad. Each island has characteristic production processes that lend to notable differences in the final flavor profiles of their creations. Unaged rum from Barbados, lightly aged (2-3yrs) rum from Trinidad, and both unaged and very old rums (10 yrs) from Jamaica make up this harmonious blend.