- 1.5oz agricole rum (my choice was 55% abv, so consider bumping it up to 2oz if using something <50%)
- .5oz hibiscus lavender syrup from Raft – if subbing, try a berry or fruity syrup of your choice
- Quarter of a lemon, cut into 4 pieces
- 8ish healthy dashes of Angostura bitters
- Mint
Muddle the lemon pieces with syrup – try to remove as many seeds as possible and focus on the fruit pulp avoiding the white pith. Add the rum. Give it a quick stir and fill the glass with crushed ice. Stir altogether (or better yet, use a swizzle stick), and then top with more ice, plenty of Angostura bitters, and a bouquet of fresh mint.
I’ve had a fierce appreciation for agricole rhum ever since my Martinique vacation last winter…the grassy “French-style” rum is just so refreshing and makes a perfect base for fruity easy-drinking sippers. And how come no one ever muddles lemons? Lemon peel oil is one of the most aromatic and easily accessible ingredients and brings such a naturally rich sweetness to drinks. Combine the two, and we have a winner.