

Shake with ice and empty all into a glass. Garnish and drink up.


This here is the Beachbum, a riff of a Mai Tai created by John Deragon from PDT in honor of Jeff “Beachbum” Berry. It’s got your typical tiki profile: sweet, fresh, fruity, and delicious and doesn’t really require too many ingredients that you wouldn’t already own for your tiki drink arsenal. Check this out for some recs on must-haves for tiki-ing at home, and this for a primer on tiki in general.

So who is Jeff “Beachbum” Berry? Well, he’s the legend who basically single-handedly pieced together much of what we know today about the classic tiki drinks from the early-mid 20th century, most of which you’ll find at all the quality modern tiki bars today.

Through extensive investigative research, he’s opened up the gates to history with the long-lost original recipes from some of the best bartenders of the day. If it weren’t for him, the modern-day tiki cocktail revival likely would never have taken off the way it has. He’s still very much an influential figure in the rum and tiki communities today, and I’m fortunate to have met him earlier this year. Raise your Mai Tai glass or tiki mug to Beachbum Berry!

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