- 1.25oz dark Jamaican rum (Coruba)
- 1.25oz gold rum (I used Mount Gay Eclipse)
- .25oz pimento dram (St. Elizabeth)
- .25oz passionfruit syrup (Small Hand Foods)
- .5oz lime juice
- .25oz fresh squeezed orange juice
- .25 simple syrup
Shake all ingredients with crushed ice (or very rapidly blend in a blender), and empty everything into your glass. Garnish with some freshly ground nutmeg.
The Grog. Grog was a traditional naval drink simply composed of rum, lime, and sugar, served warm (no ice back in those days). The British Royal Navy was given a daily mid-day rum ration, which as you would expect, caused quite a day drunk problem.
Admiral Edward “Old Grog” Vernon started enforcing this to be watered down, and along with that offered the option for sailors to trade their bread&salt rations for lime&sugar to make the diluted rum more palatable (priorities, right?). And so the grog was born, nicknamed after the officer.
As tiki picked up in the mid 20th century, bartending masterminds created their own fancy versions of the classic drink, incorporating all sorts of delicious rums and fruity flavors in the mix. I’m no mastermind, but here’s mine anyway.