Flor de Caña 4 rum

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Flor de Caña 4 Extra Seco. Ah, white rum, the most popular kid in the school of rum after Captain Morgan. Thanks to Bacardi and the incredible job they’ve done at marketing rum to the world, white rum is probably what most people commonly associate with “rum” (at least in the US).

There are so many misconceptions with rum, but let’s just start with the topic of color vs age. Contrary to popular belief, darker color DOES NOT imply quality or age. For rum in particular, oftentimes caramel color, spices, or molasses are added to unaged/lightly aged rums to change flavors, mouthfeel, or strictly aesthetics, and conversely you’ll also find sometimes color is stripped from aged rums (thru charcoal filtering) to obtain clarity. More info on coloring in rum here.

Such is the case with this rum, which is actually aged about 4 years! Just for comparison, an anejo tequila is only aged 1 year+, a VS cognac is 2+ yrs (VSOP=4+ yrs), your typical Bulleit/Maker’s Mark/Crown whiskeys about 6+ yrs, etc. So, don’t judge your rum by its color, and don’t assume “darker is better.” And go buy this rum. Because it’s super affordable and delicious. (Skip the white/flavored Bacardi plz) Then make yourself a daiquiri with this. You’re welcome.

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