Kirkland Vodka

Ok, let’s talk vodka. Specifically, this Kirkland vodka from Costco. 2 things: 1- I am OBSESSED with Costco. 2- Not so obsessed with vodka. End result? This is my go-to vodka on the rare occasion when I need a neutral (aka flavorless) spirit. It’s super smooth and for about $15 for a liter, is a total steal. I’ve done blind taste tests pitting this against Grey Goose and honestly every single person has preferred the Kirkland Vodka… (I’d test this with other vodkas too if it weren’t for the fact that I pretty much only keep this one on hand).

Literally the US legal definition of vodka is a spirit distilled from *anything* to at least 95%ABV and reduced to 40-55%ABV and lacks distinctive character, aroma, and taste. Soooo, unless you’re a vodka-neat sipper, most likely you won’t be picking up on the very subtle differences between different vodka styles in any mixed drinks (or shots). This vodka label reads “Distilled 6 times” but what does that really mean? Does # of distillations equal superior vodka?

Alcohol has a lower boiling temperature than water (which is why cooking with alcoholic spirits removes the alcohol content), so the process of distillation essentially heats up the fermented mash and captures the alcohol vapors to separate it from water and other impurities. That said, in practice if you need to distill anything more than 2 or 3 times, the quality of the original ingredients used could probably use some work. The number is also vague, as each “time” could mean different things depending on the method of distillation used. In short, buy vodkas made by reputable distilleries, and don’t fall into the marketing trap of using distillation times alone as the gauge for quality.

Check out some vodka recipes here!

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