
2017-06-13 18.18.47 1536651265437916971_4831345287


  • 2-4oz Pusser’s navy rum (adjust accordingly if using the Gunpowder Proof version)
  • 4oz unsweetened pineapple juice (fresh if possible)
  • 1oz orange juice (fresh preferred)
  • 1oz cream of coconut (Coco Lopez or Coco Real)

Shake well with crushed ice and empty into a glass. Grate some fresh nutmeg over top and sip your pains away.


This here is the classic Painkiller, a drink that will take away your deepest sorrows and melt away stress. Imagine a piña colada, but even better. This classic tiki drink was invented in 1971 in the British Virgin Islands and is made with Pusser’s Navy rum. It’s commonly offered in varying alcohol strengths (i.e. Painkiller #2, #3, or #4) with the number indicating the ounces of rum. The Painkiller recipe is absolutely delicious and dangerously sneaky at hiding its alcohol content, so take that as you will. I’ll take the Painkiller #4 please. 🙂

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